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News > Event News > TOGA Reunion

TOGA Reunion

Inviting you all to our reunion at the school.
3 May 2024
Written by Katie Donaldson
Event News

The reunion will take place at the school on Saturday 15 June from 2-5pm. There will be tours of the 'old' school next door from 1pm and you can also have a look around the current school 'on site'. There will be tea, cake and memories galore....

You just need to register here


The reunion included 26 former (and current) teachers

We were delighted to host a reunion for the 'Class of '93' here at the School. More...

Dinner, Sport and Support

In March we welcomed alumnae, staff, parents and friends to a dinner and auction in support of our 'Fit for the Future' … More...


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